Monday, February 19, 2007

Buddy in Beijing

My dog Buddy in Beijing
My dog is very happy here in Beijing because we have a dog park in the compound Rivera were we live.My grandma goes walking with my dog a lot because she likes my dog very much and because my dog likes her a lot.When my grandma goes walking with my dog they meat a lot of buddds friends and my grandmas friends.sometimes my mom goes walking with buddy or she goes walking with my grandma.olso sometimes if my dad gets back from work he goes walking with my mom
Written by Franziska

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Happy Chinese New Year !!!!

Fabian about Chinese new Years "Crackers"
On Chinese New Year the Chinese celebrate at midnight in February (this year 17.02.07).You are able to buy Chinese crackers near the street. The most shops near the street in Beijing are illegal because the crackers are not built safe enough; there is no time between lighting and running away from the cracker but its still fun to light crackers. In China there are also oversized rockets that you can light. The people don’t only light rockets and crackers at midnight; they also already do it before. The Chinese and some foreigners allowed to shot rockets and other lightning on the street while cars are passing bye because nobody cares about those kinds of things. You are able to buy rockets and crackers 2 weeks before Chinese New Year. You are also able to buy crackers after Chinese New Year.
(Written by Fabian)

More about Chinese New Year/Spring festival
I think the Spring Festival is the most important festival for the Chinese people and is when all family members get together, just like Christmas in the West. All people living away from home go back, becoming the busiest time for transportation systems of about half a month from the Spring Festival. Airports, railway stations and long-distance bus stations are crowded with home returnees.
The Spring Festival falls on the 1st day of the 1st lunar month, often one month later than the Gregorian calendar. It originated in the Shang Dynasty (c. 1600 BC-c. 1100 BC) from the people's sacrifice to gods and ancestors at the end of an old year and the beginning of a new one.

Frühlingsfest Feuerwerk
Nach dem Abendessen um Mitternacht versammelt sich die Familie draußen und entzündet die Feuerwerkskörper, um alles Unheil zu vertreiben.
Da es zwar in großen Städten und in bevölkerungsdichten Gebieten verboten ist Feuerwehrkskörper zu zünden fahren die Menschen in die Außenbezirke, zu dem auch Beijing Rivera (wo wir wohnen) gehört, stellen sich an die Straße und beginnen ihr Feuerwek zu zünden.
Wenn die Feuerwerkskörper in den Himmel geschossen werden, wird der Himmel erleuchtet wie tagsüber. Ich habe so etwas in meinem Leben vorher noch nie erlebt. Stundenlang, bis in den frühen Morgen geht das so. Und auch dann ist noch nicht Schluß. Weitere 2 Tage wird tagsüber und vor allem Nachts "das Unheil" vertrieben", oder zumindest versucht es zu vertreiben.

Year of the pig
Chinese New Year in 2007 is the Year of the Red Fire Pig. The year of the pig ends the 12 year cycle of the Chinese zodiac. Like the houses of the zodiac, the animals of Chinese astrology are said to influence your luck during the year. Your horoscopes for 2007, the year of the pig, depends on which animal signifies the year you were born.


Steamed Dumplings - Jiao Zi

Number of Servings: 4 dozen
Prep Time: 2 hours
Skill Level: Expert
4 leaves Chinese cabbage2 scallions2 chinese black mushrooms1 tablespoon soy sauce2 teaspoon cooking sherry1 teaspoon sesame oil1 teaspoon salt1 teaspoon cornstarch1 lb. lean ground pork1 package prepared "Jiao Zi Pi" dumpling wrappers (available in Asian shops and specialty food stores)
1. Finely chop the cabbage, scallions, black mushrooms and transfer to a mixing bowl.2. Add soy sauce, sherry, salt, cornstarch and pork. Mix until smooth and well blended.3. Place wrapper on clean surface and add filling by heaping teaspoonfuls into the center.4. Fold up the wrappers and form into crescents. Moisten inside edges with a little water, and press them together forming pleats to seal. Make sure they are well-sealed.5. Bring a large pot of water to boil and carefully drop in dumplings.6. When water resumes boiling, add 1 cup of water to cool. When the water resumes boiling again, add another cup of cold water to cool. Repeat this process one more time. When the water boils for the third time, the dumplings will be done.7. Serve immediately with favorite dipping sauces.
Helpful Hints:
IMPORTANT: These take some practice to get right. Seal the dumplings properly before boiling or they will lose their filling as they cook. Do not let water come to a full boil or dumplings will explode!
If you cannot find the Jiao Zi Pi you can use wonton wrappers, but they are not really made for these dumplings.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Sun Village

Visit of Sun Village/Besuch im Sun Village

On the outskirts of Beijing lies a village housing roughly 100 children ages 1 to 18 from around China whose parents are either in prison or have been executed in prison. The state has no formal obligation to these kids so the village relies entirely on donations.

In einem Außenbezirk von Beijing liegt "Sun Village" . Hier leben ca. 100 Kinder im Alter von 1-18 Jahren leben, deren Eltern im Gefängnis sind oder bereits hingerichtet wurden. Der Staat fühlt sich nicht verpflichtet, sich um diese Kinder zu kümmern und die Existenz des Dorfes beruht ausschließlich aus Spendengeldern.

Letzte Woche habe ich dieses Dorf mit einer Gruppe Frauen besucht. Es war sehr beeindruckend für mich. Wir wurden herzlich empfangen und in einen Raum geführt, wo wir von etwa 100 Sun Village Kindern mit einem chinesischen Volkslied empfangen wurden.
Anschließend führte Zhang Shu Qin, die Dorfleiterin, durch das Dorf. Sie hat früher selbst im Gefängnis gearbeitet und kennt das Leid der Gefangenen und ihrer Kinder – deshalb hat sie vor 10 Jahren das Dorf gegründet.
Die Kinder leben in kleinen Holzhütten, 14 Kinder schlafen in einem Zimmer, ältere Kinder kümmern sich um jüngere Kinder, überall war es sehr kalt.
Vor mir steht ein kleiner Junge, ich lächle ihn an, er lächelt nicht, sieht einsam und traurig aus. Ms. Zhang erklärt mir durch eine Übersetzerin, daß er erst gestern ins Dorf gekommen ist. Am liebsten würde ich noch bleiben, noch mehr erfahren, aber der Bus wartet, wir steigen ein, Zhang Shu drückt mir herzlich die Hand, ich komme wieder, "versprochen", "cheng nuo", sage ich !!!
Im Jahre 1996 hat ein ARD Team "Sun Village" besucht und eine Reportage darüber im deutschen Fernsehen ausgestrahlt. Infos darüber sind zu finden unter:

Some example about the fate of children of "Sun Village".
Zhou Meihong age 4 loves to practice her Chinese characters. Zhou's parents are in prison in Yunnan on drug charges. Briefly cared for by her grandparents, Zhou's parents asked for her to come to Sun Village.

Xu Zhi, 12, and her younger brother Xu Dongdong both from Chongqing. Their father was jailed in 1992 and escaped 2 years later. Divorced from Xu Zhi's mother he remarried while on the run and had Dongdong. He was then recaptured in 2004. He had 5 years added onto his original sentence. Xu Dongdong's mother disappeared after his father was recaptured.

Jia Dong, 15, one of two brothers from Qingtongxia in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. Jia and his younger brother both arrived at Sun Village after their father murdered their mother and was later executed for his crime.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Shopping at Liangma Antique Market

Shopping on Sunday at the Liangma Antique Market is fun!!!
Soll ich diese Dame kaufen, oder doch lieber den Budda!? Oder entscheide ich mich auch noch für die chinesische Vase. Vielleicht sollte ich aber doch noch den antiken Tisch mitnehmen! Der (Fahrrad)Transport ist auch kein Problem, wie Ihr seht!

Monday, February 05, 2007

Franzi about Hong Kong

What I did on my holiday

I went to Hong Kong. We went to the Ocean Park. The Pandas we looked at were so sweet. I fed the sealions. That was fun. We also went shopping at Toy´s "R" us, because I like to go shopping there. We also went to the 2 nd highest building in the whle world. We went into a bulding and went nto a fast alivator that took us to the 55 th floor. It was a great holiday.

Hong Kong is a warm city and thee is no snow. Most people speak Chinese and English. There are lots and lots of people in Hong Kong. All the buildings are near each other. I think Hong Kong is really big. There are many trees and the air is much damper than in Beijing. Sometimes the smell is ok, but sometimes bad. Hong Kong is very clean. You can go to jail if you through somethng into the water. On our last day we saw a Buddy Bear like they have in Berlin!

Franziska Eberlein (10 years)

Thursday, February 01, 2007


Es ist unvorstellbar, da fährt man nicht mal eine Stunde mit dem Auto und schon fühlt man sich, als wäre man in Zermatt. Gute Luft, Sonne und Schnee. Zwar kein echter, aber wen stört`s!? Ab auf die Piste!!!
With Beijing longest trails, a snowboard park and a good snowboard shop, Shijinglong is one of the area`s most popular resorts. As good for beginners as for advenced (and also perfect for crazy skier like Fabian!!
We had a lot of fun!!!