Fabian about Chinese new Years "Crackers"
On Chinese New Year the Chinese celebrate at midnight in February (this year 17.02.07).You are able to buy Chinese crackers near the street. The most shops near the street in Beijing are illegal because the crackers are not built safe enough; there is no time between lighting and running away from the cracker but its still fun to light crackers. In China there are also oversized rockets that you can light. The people don’t only light rockets and crackers at midnight; they also already do it before. The Chinese and some foreigners allowed to shot rockets and other lightning on the street while cars are passing bye because nobody cares about those kinds of things. You are able to buy rockets and crackers 2 weeks before Chinese New Year. You are also able to buy crackers after Chinese New Year.
(Written by Fabian)
More about Chinese New Year/Spring festival
I think the Spring Festival is the most important festival for the Chinese people and is when all family members get together, just like Christmas in the West. All people living away from home go back, becoming the busiest time for transportation systems of about half a month from the Spring Festival. Airports, railway stations and long-distance bus stations are crowded with home returnees.
The Spring Festival falls on the 1st day of the 1st lunar month, often one month later than the Gregorian calendar. It originated in the Shang Dynasty (c. 1600 BC-c. 1100 BC) from the people's sacrifice to gods and ancestors at the end of an old year and the beginning of a new one.
Frühlingsfest Feuerwerk
Nach dem Abendessen um Mitternacht versammelt sich die Familie draußen und entzündet die Feuerwerkskörper, um alles Unheil zu vertreiben.
Da es zwar in großen Städten und in bevölkerungsdichten Gebieten verboten ist Feuerwehrkskörper zu zünden fahren die Menschen in die Außenbezirke, zu dem auch Beijing Rivera (wo wir wohnen) gehört, stellen sich an die Straße und beginnen ihr Feuerwek zu zünden.
Wenn die Feuerwerkskörper in den Himmel geschossen werden, wird der Himmel erleuchtet wie tagsüber. Ich habe so etwas in meinem Leben vorher noch nie erlebt. Stundenlang, bis in den frühen Morgen geht das so. Und auch dann ist noch nicht Schluß. Weitere 2 Tage wird tagsüber und vor allem Nachts "das Unheil" vertrieben", oder zumindest versucht es zu vertreiben.
Year of the pig
Chinese New Year in 2007 is the Year of the Red Fire Pig. The year of the pig ends the
12 year cycle of the Chinese zodiac. Like the houses of the zodiac, the animals of Chinese astrology are said to influence your luck during the year. Your horoscopes for 2007, the year of the pig, depends on which animal signifies the year you were born.
Steamed Dumplings - Jiao Zi
Number of Servings: 4 dozen
Prep Time: 2 hours
Skill Level: Expert
4 leaves Chinese cabbage2 scallions2 chinese black mushrooms1 tablespoon soy sauce2 teaspoon cooking sherry1 teaspoon sesame oil1 teaspoon salt1 teaspoon cornstarch1 lb. lean ground pork1 package prepared "Jiao Zi Pi" dumpling wrappers (available in Asian shops and specialty food stores)
1. Finely chop the cabbage, scallions, black mushrooms and transfer to a mixing bowl.2. Add soy sauce, sherry, salt, cornstarch and pork. Mix until smooth and well blended.3. Place wrapper on clean surface and add filling by heaping teaspoonfuls into the center.4. Fold up the wrappers and form into crescents. Moisten inside edges with a little water, and press them together forming pleats to seal. Make sure they are well-sealed.5. Bring a large pot of water to boil and carefully drop in dumplings.6. When water resumes boiling, add 1 cup of water to cool. When the water resumes boiling again, add another cup of cold water to cool. Repeat this process one more time. When the water boils for the third time, the dumplings will be done.7. Serve immediately with favorite dipping sauces.
Helpful Hints:
IMPORTANT: These take some practice to get right. Seal the dumplings properly before boiling or they will lose their filling as they cook. Do not let water come to a full boil or dumplings will explode!
If you cannot find the Jiao Zi Pi you can use wonton wrappers, but they are not really made for these dumplings.