Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Here you see me with Wang Chun Hong the Founder and Art and Therapist of GGG. She is working so hard to help this children and their families.

On the other photo you see the children singing and dancing with one of the fabulous GGG Volunteers. This man is doing a wonderful job. He is an actor for Beijing Children's Drama, and a renowned artist who is one of twelve artists who received China's life-long arts achievements award. With the children he is doing Drama and Singing Therapy.

I really enjoyed the afternoon and I hope for ChunHong that I can help her to get a little financial support to continue this wonderful work.

Here you see me with Jiejing.She is 21 years old and a China national. She studied in Singapore from 2005. Currently, she on a long holiday and waiting for the result of her university application. So she decided to support God Gifted Garden as a Volunteer for a couple of month.
She did a great job at the Sunshine Party!

Sunshine Party

Many of you know that I am supporting a very small NGO in Beijing called God Gifted Garden. It is a Center for autistic and disabled Children and Adults.
After a long time looking for new Therapy rooms we are glad to get the Support of
Beijing DangDaiShan Arts & Culture Center, they provided God Gift Garden with 2000 sq.m. rehabilitation training ground, at "DongBaHouJie" Art Factory.

God Gift Garden was founded in 5th June 2006. It has provided treatment to a total of 67 mental retardation and autism patients. You like to know more about this project? Have a look into the betterplace website (www.betterplace.org).